Saturday, June 21, 2014

This Blogging Thing.....

Is so much more difficult that I thought it would be...these crazy fonts, sizes, colors, in the world do I get it to stick???  And why does it change....I know, it should be simple.....but it is not....I am trying....but it seems that I am so afraid of messing everything up again..that my blogs are kind of halted and stale...I really do wish it were much simpler and that there was a youtube video for us backward folk.....anyone out there that can come over and explain it all????  This is a test, this is only a test.....I do not know but a wee bit of what I am doing....clink, clink, .......any one???  Some one actually have the time???? hehehehehe ...oh well here we go...will it be in the script I want or no.....I will let you know in a minute....

YAY...success!!! It worked!!!! Yipee!!!! Everyone have a nice day....

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